RHP (Chelmsford) Bowls Club

RHP (Chelmsford) Bowls Club - RHP Safeguarding Page




The safeguarding policy of RHP (Chelmsford) Bowls Club aims to protect members from abuse and neglect. The policy is based on UK legislation & guidance.

Safeguarding for adults:

  • The club will protect adults from abuse and neglect.
  • The club will provide support to adults who have needs for care & support.
  • The club will provide support to adults who are unable to protect themselves.

Reporting Concerns:

  • Concerns should be reported to the club’s Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible.
  • Concerns can also be reported to the Bowls England Safeguarding Team.


Safeguarding Officer:

Sue Bawden  Contact: 01376 510395  M: 07842275799  Email: sbawden@talktalk.net

Deputy Safeguarding Officer:

Evelyne Franklin  Contact: 01245 493093  M: 07717076320  Email:  evelyne.franklin@hotmail.co.uk


RHP Safeguarding Policy: 

RHP Safeguarding Policy February 2025.pdf

Bowls England Safeguarding Policy:



Bowls England: Wellbeing & Mental health external agencies:



Bowls England Key Contacts:



The Essex safeguarding officer outdoor bowls is,

Tony Ellis   T-01245 256730  M-07791 248580   Email-  essex@bowlsengland.com

The Essex safeguarding officer for indoor bowls is,

Sheila Webb.