RHP (Chelmsford) Sports & Social Club

Match Report

Match Report - 06 Jun 2024, RHP (Chelmsford) Sports & Social Club Club Friendly lost to Lionmede

It eventually turned out to be a fabulous game of friendship, after on initial arrival Paul Watts the Vice Captain said he only had 9 players for three rinks.
After discussions Gina his wife showed their records showed it was three mixed rinks.
I said no thats wrong its been arranged since November last year thats its four rinks..
Anyway fortunately we had three players doing roll up, who accepted it was really urgent, and immediately got ready to play , for Lionmede .
As a result it went very well, . We were on our rinks doing well winning up to end 10, when unfortunately, it got harder pull back,by stealth, to eventually beating us 21/17. It was disappointing to lose but we deserved to lose as they continued to put woods up to the Jack area where as my two ladies were getting tired , and losing their way quite a bit., not reaching or going off, making short woods, thus causing blockages. They had initially played extremely well. which was frustrating.
But overall they did their best.
At the end of the day IT WAS A GREAT DAY.

Carol R Rees i wish to thank for coming and doing our tea, and lovely biscuits., which i had not realised
was not her job to do but was mine, so for the future, i will have to get the good quality biscuits like today like Kit Kats, etc. this was at the advice of Gillian Gurney who stipulated that she or Carol should not be doing it.
Before the game i asked all players if they would play for our football choice game, which went well.

Colin Reynolds

RHP (Chelmsford) Sports & Social Club Club Friendly 51 - 81 Lionmede

Name Details
1 Lynne Bailey Gerry Smith kindly stood in for Lynne who was too tired to bowl.
2 Janet Clayton Sue Smith also kindly stood in for Janet through a sore foot.
3 Ian A Dunn Skip lost rink 1 21/12
4 Maureen Dunn
5 Norman Ewles
6 Evelyne Franklin
7 Heather Barrett
8 Victor Hilson Skip won 18/9 rink 3
9 Leighton O'Hea Leighton did amazingly well after losing Allison and three weeks was her funeral.
10 Colin Reynolds Skip lost rink 4 21/17
11 Alan Clay
12 Ian Drummond Skip lost rink 2 30/4
13 A.N. Other
14 A.N. Other