RHP (Chelmsford) Sports & Social Club

Match Report

Match Report - 20 Jul 2024, RHP (Chelmsford) Sports & Social Club Club Friendly lost to Stock & Buttsbury

This visit to Stock and Buttsbury Bowls Club was a lovely time had by all.
We all played well.
Rink 2 won 17/14...Colin Reynolds
Rink 3 Lost 27/11...Gerry Smith
Rink 4 Drew 11/11 Colin Abbott
Rink 5 Won 13/10....Ian Drummond

Thankyou everyone that played, you were brilliant.

Colin Reynolds....

Stock & Buttsbury 62 - 52 RHP (Chelmsford) Sports & Social Club Club Friendly

Name Details
1 Colin Abbott as above report
2 Sue Smith
3 Janet Clayton
4 Maureen Dunn
5 Heather Barrett
6 Evelyne Franklin
7 Gerry Smith As above report
8 Colin Reynolds As above Report
9 David Stephens
10 Ian A Dunn
11 Ian Drummond As above report
12 A.N. Other