RHP (Chelmsford) Sports & Social Club

Match Report

Match Report - 29 Aug 2024, RHP (Chelmsford) Sports & Social Club Club Friendly lost to Halstead

Today we had a marvellous time at Halstead, with four rinks of triples.
Colins Reynolds team won 20/14. The team Maureen Dunn, and Evelyne were absolutely amazing players.
They won the game without me.
Steve Spearman, lost 9/21. His team, were Heather, and Colin Abbott.
Ian Drummond won 17/15. His team Sue Smith, and Ian Dunn.
Gerry Smith Lost 12/14. His team Lynne Bailey, and Dave Oxford.
At the end of the match we went into the Clubhouse where we played the football game, and prize giving was given for the winning team, and others who filled the places for people cancelling, and the refreshments being done.
We had a great time., they are coming to us on Thursday 19th September.
Best wishes

Colin Reynolds

Halstead 64 - 58 RHP (Chelmsford) Sports & Social Club Club Friendly

Name Details
1 Heather Barrett Rink 3 no1...with no2 Colin Abbott and Steve Spearman Skip
2 Colin Abbott Details shown No2 Rink 3.
3 Lynne Bailey Rink 5 No 1. with No2 Dave Oxford, ans Skip Gerry Smith
4 Ian Drummond Rink 4 Skip with No1 Sue Smith, and No2 Ian Dunn
5 Ian A Dunn As shown in Rink 4
6 Maureen Dunn Rink 2 No1 with No2 Evelyne Franklin, and Skip Colin Reynolds
7 Evelyne Franklin As shown in Rink 2
8 Steve Spearman As shown in Rink 3
9 Gerry Smith As shown in Rink 5
10 Sue Smith Ass shown in Rink 4
11 David Oxford As shown in Rink 5
12 Colin Reynolds As shown in Rink 2